Message from the Principal


A hearty welcome to Shri Ram Centennial School, Patna. It is indeed my privilege to be the Founder Principal of an institution built on the belief that the essence of education lies in empowering children to recognize their enormous potential and making learning a catalyst for drawing that out.

AS SRCS we value the individuality of all students. We believe that all learners can be successful. We are committed to providing a caring community that fosters respect, integrity, and personal achievement in an open and innovative learning environment.

At Plato rightly said “Do not train children to learn by force or harshness; but direct them to it by what amuses their minds, so that you may be better able to discover with accuracy the peculiar bent of the genius of each.’’

It is very important that students enjoy the process of learning, develop strong study habits and never underestimate the value of hard work. Education is a joint venture between school and home. We recognize that there is a very strong connection between classroom learning and outdoor experiences, between parental role and that of the school and between learning for now and learning for life.  As we work with our students to help them learn about the world around them, we very much appreciate the support that parents give their children at home as they strive to reach their learning goals. The foundation of a successful school is the cooperation between the students, staff, parents and community.

I look forward to working with you and developing a relationship that will assist in the growth of your child/children.


Mrs. Smita Joshi
